SIPI Online Brand Protection


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Complete online to offline investigations for brand protection and anti-counterfeiting in China and India.

With gold-standard raid actions and through civil litigation, we guarantee to find and take down major counterfeiting rings and listings taking advantage of premium brand names.



High-Volume Takedowns

Monitor your return on investment with the best online dashboard in the industry. Our client dashboard also doubles as a portfolio manager for trademark registrations. Through our team based in China, operating behind notorious Chinese firewalls, illicit traders and online infringers can be effectively tracked, identified, and remediated much faster.


  • Copyright Infrigement

    We use media recognition software to take down pirated images, music, and video at scale.

  • Trademark Infrigement

    We stop online sellers from using your marks to sell their own products via e-commerce and social media.

  • Counterfeit Goods

    We pursue the most serious players and eliminate couterfeiting rings from the ground up, online 2 offline.


  • 450+

    Online marketplaces monitored including Amazon, Taobao and WeChat

  • 4.2M+

    Complaints processed and
    sent to infringers every

  • 95.4%

    Takedown success for trademark and copyright infringements

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